Mindful Living Corner
Shifting perspectives can be quite an eye opener. Every morning, I adjust the lighting on the succulents and cacti in my kitchen. My common sense would say adjust the blinds to open positions to let the light in. Amazingly, depending on the time of the morning on this East facing window, and the sun’s current position, opening the blinds puts the plants in the shade. I have to remain curious and open while doing the opposite in fact, closing the blinds fully, so a sliver of light at the top of the blinds can come shining fully on the plants. I eventually figure this out in my mind, and still need to experience it each morning.
Now, with the blinds, of course I can fully pull them up and let the full sunshine soak in the plants through the window. That would work for a few seconds, then it may become overwhelming, for the plants and for me in the kitchen. Titration becomes quite important, just like how we expand on our mindfulness practice slowly.
Here’s to keeping a curious mind, opening to new perspectives even if they may initially be the opposite of our thought process. When you allow the process to unfold slowly, without rushing, you may notice it creates deeper roots.